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General Purpose Core (Build A)


In order to simplify the development of microcontroller based projects it was decided
that a general purpose PIC core would be developed. This board would take care of the basic
requirements of the microcontroller and present the I/O in a convenient form.

The prevision for a keypad and LCD display would be made available along with some basic
I/O in the form of protected digital inputs, LEDs, Piezo sounder and open collector transistor outputs.

A facility for programming in situ would also be included in order to allow ongoing development.

Design & Construction

After a few attempts the design below was drawn upa higher resolution copy can be downloaded from the bottom of this page.

The circuit is labelled up ready for the development of an alarm system, however the available I/O could be reused to suit many applications.


This is most likely not the final version as deficiencies can already be seen in the design
but these shall be addressed later when the design is revisited.

However for now this will provide a reasonable starting point to allow development to continue.

The design was transferred onto strip board for construction:


This is the core undergoing testing. 





- GPC(Build A Revision J) High Resolution Circuit Diagram

- GPC(Build A Revision J) High Resolution Stip Board Layout



Last Edit: 20160121 - 21:33