A practical worked example was made using the process above :
Using above as a guide, a program was then developed that produced a visual printout of the calculation as it is made. A CRC16 function is also contained within the program. The listing for just the CRC16 function is given below.
Function crc16(message As String) As Integer
'declare variables
Dim message_lenght As Integer
Dim xor_loops As Byte
Dim message_byte_snip As String
Dim message_byte As UInt16
Dim crc As UInt16 = &HFFFF
Dim poly As UInt16 = &HA001
Dim rotate_carry As Boolean
Dim mbyte As Byte
Dim upper_crc As UInt16
Dim lower_crc As UInt16
'find string lenght
message_lenght = Len(message) / 2
'loop through message
For mbyte = 1 To message_lenght * 2 Step 2
'get message byte and convert to decimal
message_byte_snip = Mid(message, mbyte, 2)
message_byte = Convert.ToInt32(message_byte_snip, 16)
'xor crc with message byte
crc = crc Xor message_byte
'xor 8 times
For xor_loops = 1 To 8
'check for carry
If crc And 1 Then rotate_carry = True Else rotate_carry = False
If rotate_carry = True Then crc = crc - 1
crc = crc / 2
'xor with poly if carry
If rotate_carry Then crc = crc Xor poly
Next xor_loops
Next mbyte
'byte swap
upper_crc = (crc And &HFF00) / 256
lower_crc = crc And &HFF
'return crc
crc16 = lower_crc *256 + upper_crc
End Function
The attached program (see link below) performs the CRC calculation and gives a breakdown of the process, the program was given the string 1103006B0003 and the printout below was produced.
msg byte 11
xor FFEE
rotate 1 7FF7 Carry:False
rotate 2 9FFA Carry:True
rotate 3 4FFD Carry:False
rotate 4 87FF Carry:True
rotate 5 E3FE Carry:True
rotate 6 71FF Carry:False
rotate 7 98FE Carry:True
rotate 8 4C7F Carry:False
msg byte 03
xor 4C7C
rotate 1 263E Carry:False
rotate 2 131F Carry:False
rotate 3 A98E Carry:True
rotate 4 54C7 Carry:False
rotate 5 8A62 Carry:True
rotate 6 4531 Carry:False
rotate 7 8299 Carry:True
rotate 8 E14D Carry:True
msg byte 00
xor E14D
rotate 1 D0A7 Carry:True
rotate 2 C852 Carry:True
rotate 3 6429 Carry:False
rotate 4 9215 Carry:True
rotate 5 E90B Carry:True
rotate 6 D484 Carry:True
rotate 7 6A42 Carry:False
rotate 8 3521 Carry:False
msg byte 6B
xor 354A
rotate 1 1AA5 Carry:False
rotate 2 AD53 Carry:True
rotate 3 F6A8 Carry:True
rotate 4 7B54 Carry:False
rotate 5 3DAA Carry:False
rotate 6 1ED5 Carry:False
rotate 7 AF6B Carry:True
rotate 8 F7B4 Carry:True
msg byte 00
xor F7B4
rotate 1 7BDA Carry:False
rotate 2 3DED Carry:False
rotate 3 BEF7 Carry:True
rotate 4 FF7A Carry:True
rotate 5 7FBD Carry:False
rotate 6 9FDF Carry:True
rotate 7 EFEE Carry:True
rotate 8 77F7 Carry:False
msg byte 03
xor 77F4
rotate 1 3BFA Carry:False
rotate 2 1DFD Carry:False
rotate 3 AEFF Carry:True
rotate 4 F77E Carry:True
rotate 5 7BBF Carry:False
rotate 6 9DDE Carry:True
rotate 7 4EEF Carry:False
rotate 8 8776 Carry:True
VB Example with string input and integer ouput Demo_1
VB Example with byte array input and integer ouput Demo_2