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Off Grid Preppers PC (Mk1)



This project deals with the creation of a Windows PC system that is a snap shot of some of the more useful pieces of software available today*, this is being assembled now before the software or hardware that it runs on becomes difficult to obtain. This is primarily achieved by not relying on the internet for any ongoing support and it is assumed that any of the software used will not be obtainable or registrable in the future. Therefore, all the software employed must be freeware or purchased software that is registered by a unique serial number and an off line installation must be available.

This project is not about turning my back on the internet in some nostalgic attempt to live in the past, instead it is an attempt to create a build of PC that can be maintained into the future without the reliance on the external supporting infrastructure that the internet provides.

At the moment I have had to make a number of decisions regarding the operating system and hardware in order to achieve a reasonable build* but this is really version 1 and, in the future, as additional options become available the operating system, hardware and base software choices can be upgraded in successive builds.


*this is my option and I understand that you may or may not agree with my choices.


The Project


As a result of the continuous march of technology, every few years I find that still useful peripherals or pieces of previously expensive software are no longer compatible with the latest operating system. The majority of the time a work around can be found though running items in compatibility mode or via a virtual environment. Normally after some effort you can usually arrive at the point from where you started, which just seems like a considerable amount of effort for no real benefit.

This seems to be the case for many of my workshop items that came with software in order to program or other pieces of development software that cost a considerable amount of money when originally purchased.

This got me thinking, why can’t I just build a PC from now cheap hardware collect enough spares to keep me going indefinitely, bang on an operating system and never worry about compatibility issues ever again.

Now I know what you’re thinking, what about patching, trogons and virus!

Well my answer is this, the main source of these is via internet downloads, though USB transfer and via email attachments. Now this is the radical bit, if we don’t use the internet on these machines and ensure that they never receive an email (milieus or otherwise) then this eliminates the majority of the sources right away.

Then if we accept that we may occasionally pick up something though USB transfer as there is no internet connectivity the trogon, virus or otherwise cannot pass on my personal data. The very worst that can happen is that the files on the infected machine are destroyed and I have to perform a full rebuild or reconstitute the device from a clone backup.

To mitigate this problem as long as I have a way of checking my USB transfer files for issues and a regular file backup procedure for my personal files, then I should be reasonably safe.

The lack of internet connectivity immediately throws some obstacles in our path, for example Windows 10 required internet verification after installation which means that it would always be nagging to be verified and eventually may stop working altogether.

This is true for many of the operating systems that would allow me to run my software and hardware easily. This would have limited the operating system to Windows 95/98 which is a little too old for what I am trying to achieve. Luckily a release of Windows XP intended for virtual machines that does not require the final internet verification sequence has been released (a link to this is included below)

This allows me to run all of my software and is a reasonable starting point for the build.


Software Archive


Initially I set about gathering together all of the installation software that I require into one place, including XP compatible versions of some of my favorite pieces of software that I still use on my internet exposed Windows 10 machine. This is a current list of software that I have in my off line archive. This project is ongoing so I intend to update the tables over time. 


Operating System and Support

Name/Link Version Auther Comment Activation






 Windows XP(SP3)

V2002 SP3


Windows XP web verification free build

XP Code

IE8-WindowsXP-x86-ENU.exe V8.0


Internet Explorer  None
SyncToy V2.1.0.0


File Synconication Software




Ham Radio

Name/Link Version Auther Comment Activation









CW reciver via PC sound card Purchased Code
 CwType V2.03


CW transmitter via PC sound card or serial port Freeware
 TrueTTY V3.01


RTTY,PSK31,AMTOR etc Purchased Code



A comprehensive logger program designed for amateur radio station operators. Purchased Code
 MMSSTV V1.07(c) J3EHHT Slow Scan reception via PC sound card Freeware





Name/Link Version Auther Comment Activation








Custom Computer Systems Inc. 

C programming software.

Purchased Key

Microbrn V150807

 Ladda Crocroft

K150 USB PIC Programmer Software. Freeware


Word Processors, editors etc

Name/Link Version Auther Comment Activation






Office 2007 (Blue Edition) 



This build of visual studio did not require a online verification None







Name/Link Version Auther Comment Activation









Stellarium is a free program which gives you a virtual planetarium directly on your PC monitor. None
Derive 6 6.1

Texas Instruments

Maths processing software Key
Number Converor 1.0e

Rudy Kiken 

Units conversion software Freeware
Astronomy Lab 2 2.03 MicroCosms Simple astronomy sofware Freeware



Name/Link Version Auther Comment Activation






 Visual Basic



This build of visual studio did not require a online verification. Key





Name/Link Version Auther Comment Activation






Nero 7 Essentials



CD/DVD general software tools









Laptop Option:

Because of the nature of the project, I have chosen some very ruggedised hardware. I am currently testing a Panasonic CF-18 and a CF-29 for portable use. The CF-18K (Mk4) has a touch screen that can be rotated and the Cf-29L (Mk4) has an optional internal CDROM..



All the drivers for these devices are still available from the supplier’s website these have been downloaded and added to the off-grid archive. These are very hardwearing and have a purpose-built DC-DC convertor that can be used for off grid charging if required.



 Desktop Option:

I was not going to bother with a desktop build, but I was given some old XP 3GHz HP desktops these are very well built and all the software drivers have also been obtained from the supplier’s website.





In summary these are the advantages and disadvantages of the project

Disadvantages Comment



You can no longer use the internet

I usually only use the internet for research and very often it is a distraction anyway so in my case it would not be a great loss. If I require the internet I have a Windows 10 machine on which I intend to keep a synchronised copy of the personal files from the Off Grid machine. As a starting point I am using the Microsoft SyncToy for this purpose, in fact the majority of this page is written on the Preppers PC and Synced over for publication.







Advantages Comment



You can no longer use the internet


If the internet or a verification sites was no longer available this would not prevent me from carrying on maintaining and rebuilding machines indefinitely as long as I have serviceable compatible hardware to hand.

Cheap Hardware


Sometimes free







 The links to software items can be found in the software section above.